Claudia Roth'un Türkiye'ye Girişi Yasaklandı




Basın dünyamızda  büyük yeri olan Hürriyet Haber 24 Mayıs 2017 saat 20.19 da “Alman bakandan tuhaf iddia:  Türkiye giriş yasağı uyguluyor” haberini  veriyor ve bu haberi  ayrıntıları ile açıklıyor:


Alman Dışişleri Bakanı Sigmar Gabriel, Alman vekillerin 25-28 Mayıs tarihleri arasında Türkiye’ye yapacakları ziyareti bir gün kala iptal etmeleri konusunda Türkiye’yi eleştirdi.


 Resmi temaslarda bulunmak üzere Çin'de bulunan Gabriel, Çin Dışişleri Bakanı ile yaptığı ortak basın toplantısında Alman vekillerin iptal edilen Türkiye ziyaretine değindi. Gabriel, Türkiye’nin Federal Parlamento Başkan Yardımcısı Claudia Roth ve diğer üç vekile giriş yasağı uyguladığını söyledi.


Roth demecinde "NATO zirvesinde rol oynayacağından eminim Türkiye’nin tutumunun Federal Parlamento Başkan Yardımcısı ve bir grup milletvekiline Alman askerlerinin ziyareti söz konusu olmadığı halde, giriş yasağı uygulanması anlamına gelir, ... ben bunun NATO zirvesi kapsamında yarın (Perşembe) bir rol oynayacağından eminim" ifadelerini kullandı.


Alman basınının aktardığına göre, Türkiye’nin tutumunu ağır bir eylem olarak nitelendiren Alman Dışişleri Bakanı, bunun bundan sonra yapılacak görüşmeleri kolaylaştıran bir durum olmadığını da söyledi.


Roth ayrıca ziyaretin iptal edilmesinde Türkiyenin tutumunun etkili olduğunu belirtti.


Federal Meclis Başkan Yardımcısı Yeşiller Partisi Milletvekili Claudia Roth, bugün (Çarşamba) yaptığı basın toplantısında Türkiye ziyaretinin iptal edilmesine gerekçe olarak Türk tarafının tutumunu göstermişti. Türk tarafından kendilerine Alman parlamenterlerle siyasi görüşmeler yapılmasının şu aşamada uygun bulunmadığı yönünde bilgi geldiğini kaydeden Roth, bunun resmi görüşme yapamamak anlamına geldiğini ve siyasi diyaloğun reddedilmesiyle eşdeğer olduğunu söylemişti.


Alman basınına göre, yarın NATO zirvesine katılacak olan Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan ve Almanya Başbakanı Angela Merkelin fırsat bulup ikili görüşme yapması durumunda İncirlik konusu, Alman parlamenterlerin ziyareti, tutuklu bulunan Die Welt gazetesi muhabiri Deniz Yücel’in durumu ele alınması muhtemel konuların başında yer alıyor.




 Benim anlayışıma göre Claudia Roth’un Türkiye’ye girmesine izin verilmesi  devletimizin  yanlış bir  anlayışla Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’ün Lozan ile yok ettiği SEVR’in içeriğinde var olan yeni devletler kurulması isteğinin devam ettirilmesi olurdu ki bu davranış  tarihsel bir hata olurdu.  




Claudia Roth 2003 yılından beri yani 14 yıldan beri açıkça Türkiye’nin bütünlüğünün varlığını tehdit etmektedir. Bu  kez Türkiye Cumhuriyeti  hükümetinin onların alenen  Türkiye’ye  GİRMESİNİ engellenmesi  Lozan sisteminin  içsel  varlığının tekrar tekrar ispatı olduğundan dolayı  sevinç vermektedir.


Aslında Claudia Roth’a  ben 2003 yılında  gönderdiğim bir iletimimi son kitabımda (Coşkun Ürünlü,” Short Notes to Claudia  Roth on Turkey and Iraq” , Çöküşün Anatomisi, sh. 331-336 Ankara 2016) neşretmiş idim. 


Claudia Roth ile aynı tehditkar anlayış ve yaklaşımı paylaştığını düşündüğüm iki sorumlu siyaset unsurunun daha, Türkiye'nin "gidişatının" yönlendirilmesini kendilerine bir görev addedenlere ve onların talimatlarına karşı cevabi yazılarımı da aşağıda paylaşmaktayım.



Coşkun Ürünlü

25 Mayıs 2017









From: Coskun Urunlu


Sent: Saturday, April 05, 2003 9:50 PM

Subject: Turkey and Iraq


Ms. Roth,


I heard that you again talked on Turkey and said that Turkey's entrance to EU depends upon how she behaves herself in Iraq! ! What a pity that a lady like yourself does not have anything to do beneficial to humanity but just to tell as a big brother/nany to his pupil to behave himself or otherwise he will be punished! ! Although I laugh really hard but also I love those mediocre people who sees some high qualities in themselves to advice a country which has been in existence since 1299 A.D. . Who are you and who gave you that authority to threaten a country like Turkey with a threat that if Turkey does not behave herself YOU would not admit her into the EU? Is it not funny? Really tell me the truth... is it not funny? I am just not able to keep myself from laughing at you and at those people who imagines and/ or assumes some power in themselves to run the other countries' destiny. Now why do you not ever tell Mr Bush that if he continues to kill more Iraqi citiziens you are going to spank him? Or if he continues to kill more Iraqi children for the sake of oil resources, you are going to prevent him to step on the soil of Europe?


However let me be more benevolent to you and let it be known that main aim of Mr. Bush is to stop and eliminate the increasing influnce of Germany in Middle East and Asia and he thus do make war in Iraq as a first step towards achieving this aim. I want to hear that you tell him something and make him to stop to be threat to the future of Germany.


As far as Turkey concerns

1-we will not permit any Kurdish state to be established

2- We will not get out of Cyprus before we achieve to get those rights acknowledged of our kins given to them by the London Agreement and

3- We will enter EU as a full member.


Europe needs Turkey and Europe without Turkey is nothing but a "little old old lady in tennis shoes" as Mr.Bush' secretary has told to the world. Be aware that in Europe the rate of population is declining and the rate of technological gap is widening and that the rift between brotherhood of Franco-Roman of France and Germany and Anglo-Saxon brotherhood of USA and England is deepining.


Have a nice day!



=== XXX===





From: Coskun Urunlu


Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 8:14 PM

Subject: Kemalism and Ocalan




What a pity for a lecturer in experimental pyschology who minimizes the fact that 30000 Turkish people have been killed by Ocalan. What would you and your wife would have felt if your sons and grandson Jasper were killled in a small village in Holland by some KADEK=PKK terrorists?


Moreover it is also absurd for a foreigner, namely you, to feel himself responsible to put his nose into internal affairs of Turkey and threaten her by suggesting that the Turks should change their Constitution and eliminate Kemalism and write a new more permissive Act on religion and thus enable religious fanatics to make Turkey a religious state.


I see that you are an arch Christian man and you are a member of protestant commune. And in turn you must be a fanatic religious man yourself. What I would suggest you is to read a book about Christianity so you may get to know the basis of all religions and act accordingly to all humanbeings in the world. The book I suggest you is : Michale Baigent-Richard Leigh,The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception,ISBN 0671797972.


We Turks do not need your reports and/or suggestions to run our country. We have not been EU member since the establishment of Ottoman Empire in 1299 and do not have to be a member now and we will not bow to those small town gentlemen's reactionary biased wishes for the entrance of EU. You first of all clean your own house and make England and France get together. You are just a failure and you will see in a very short time that EU will disintegrate. The world will be separated into two camps; an Anglo-Saxon (Britain+USA) camp and Roman Continental(Gerrmany+France)camp. And the small states such as Belgium,Holland and say Denmark following the big brothers.


Please do continue to write those reports which will take their places in the history's dark chambers which in later years historians will evaluate you not as a real scientist but a man who wrote reports on those countries of which he never knew anything about her people and her history but a man who was a religious fanatic and was a biased fanatic who had selected become a Lecturer in experimental psychology due to his genes which had caused to him to have some pyschological problems.









From: Coskun Urunlu


Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2003 9:36 PM

Subject: Kurds

Dear Verheugen,


I am getting sick and tired of your daily speeches that if Turkey enters into North of Irak, she will not be admitted to the EU. I am not a deaf man who does not hear you. I have heard you. You are repeating your sermon every morning, afternoon, evening and night for almost a week.


Why is it so important to you whether Turkey enters or not into Irak? Why are you not giving sermons to Britain saying that to occupy an independent Iraqi state under the false claims of the existence of Weapons of Mass Destruction? Or was Britain killing Iraqi people to bring them democracy? Wonderful idea of "democracy for dead people!"


Why were you and your friends were keeping quite when Ocalan was killing 30000 Turks? I hear you now saying :" when Kurds kill Turks that has to be taken into consideration as a necessary act for establishment of a Kurdish State".


If conditions require for Turks to enter into the North of Iraq nobody can stop that action even you and your friends say that you would prevent Turkey to enter to the EU. Your main worry is not to save your beloved Kurds but your fear is that Turkey will enter Kerkuk and Musul. You see Kerkuk and Musul were stolen by the same imperialist England in 1920s and the same England, although her horns are broken since the 1915 war of Dardanels , now again is trying to grab the same lands under the tail of USA. What a futile attempt!


I humbly request you to shut up on this subject of "North of Irak versus Turkey's entry to the EU" and I want to get a good sleep between the noises of bombs of ymperialist warmongers on poor and defenseless Iraqi people.


Coskun Urunlu


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